Wednesday 17 April 2013


After looking at the last design the team wanted the character to have more of a 'superhero' view to him, as he was pulled into a game we wanted him to seem a bit more in place, similar to Viewtiful Joe gaining powers after being pulled into the movie.

So here is that new design!

This is the first stage in the redesign, he has the same body as before but now with a helmet with a Nintendo 94 controller on the top.

This stage is a lot more progressed and more of a superhero feel, the character now has a cap, knee and elbow pads, high boots and gloves. He also has controllers and cables hanging from his belt.

This is our first colour test, this was quickly changed.

Here is the second colour test, we tried to use a colour scheme different then what you want normally see, unfortunately the colours contrasted too much and when smaller would be difficult to look at.

Here is final design for character, we went for safe colour scheme because it complimented the character the best. The main colour is red, grey used for cap and bottoms while yellow/gold is the accessory colour. The visor has a blue tint to is as well.

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